If you are one of our residents, we’ve attempted to make this site warm, friendly and inviting. It is our hope that as you search our site, you will find it to be a useful source of information and a place you come back to frequently to see what’s happening in town. If you’re not one of our residents and intend to become one, then use the site to see what services we provide and how to make a smooth transition to our Town. If you’re just browsing the internet and like what you see, come visit us, it could be a life changing experience.
The foundation of our Town is built on the strength, patience, understanding, suggestions, and support of our residents, which has proven to maintain a resilient community over the many decades.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website.
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Lead Service Inventory
Over the past few months there has been over 800 mailings to homes in our town for residents, that own homes that were built prior to 1980, pertaining ...
Phase 1A of the Sewer Main Replacement Project of Delmar, DE
Teal Construction is ...